Crown Estate Scotland Community Capacity Grants Programme

The purpose of the Community Capacity Grants Programme is to provide early-stage financial support for local projects that will help achieve the following objectives:

  1. Create self-sustaining community enterprises that will promote sustainable development through the provision of local economic, social, and/or environmental benefits.
  2. Contribute to the regeneration of places through improvements to buildings or community spaces that will support self-sustaining community enterprises delivering sustainable development. 

The fund is open to all communities that are:

  • Situated up to 5 miles from coastal and estuarine foreshore in Scotland; or 
  • Situated up to 5 miles from the Scottish Crown Estate’s four rural estates (Glenlivet, Fochabers, Whitehills and Applegirth). 

To view the boundary lines for the estates and applicable radius, please click to view Crown Estate maps with applicable radius.Awards of between £20,000 to £50,000 for a one-year period will be made through this fund. Opens on 18/08/22 deadline 19/09/22

Crown Estate Scotland Community Capacity Grants Programme | Foundation Scotland

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